Just in case you didn't know, tomorrow night's Powerball Jackpot is over a billion dollars right now. Of course, this means that millions of folks will rush out to buy tickets, in hopes of being the world's newest billionaire (well, technically multi-millionaire, after the government takes their share).
I think it's safe to say that we've all sat around thinking about what we would buy if we were to win that money. I know I have; in fact, I already have blueprints drawn up just in case.
Many people would pay off bills, give some money to their kids and grandkids, then put the rest in savings. I realize that is the responsible and practical thing to do, but let's think outside the box for a moment, shall we?
So, here is my question for you: If you were to win the billion-dollar jackpot, what is the one non-practical thing you would buy for yourself?
Check out some of the answers that fellow Montanans had:
"I would buy an entire Theme Park" -Katelyn
"A Huge vacation for my whole family to Alaska, Ireland, New Zealand, and Thailand" -Michelle
"An island" -Jenny
"Lifetime of tacos" -Meg
"A trip around the world sparing no expense!" -Jessica
"A unicorn sweater for every day of the year!" -Danell
"A large plot of land for a dog rescue" -Nick
"A cancer center" -Joan
"A WNBA team!" -Kate
"I would buy a Ranch here that has over 10,000 acres and a Helicopter to get back and forth to the airport where I would also have a private jet." -Gus
"My non-practical thing would be a house in the mountains for all my family my own family compound on 20 acres" -Red
"A home in Hawaii" -Victoria
"A big lot where I could develop a cemetery!" -Shayla
So what about you? What is the non-practical thing you would buy? Would it be something to help others, or something you've always wanted but couldn't justify spending the money on?
Let's be honest, with a billion dollars, you could do both and still have tons of money left over.